MKE Week 7 — What’s luck got to do with it? [Round 2]

I find it humorous, in my observant little way, that our lucky Week 7 falls on the week of Friday the 13th.  It’s always been a “lucky” day for me.  But really, the luck my mom told me I had so much of doesn’t really exist.  Or rather, how I understood it to be wasn’t the truth or, at least, the whole picture. [This all was from four years ago.]

I grew up in the age of arcades.  Every weekend, my friends and I would ride bikes to the beach which would either start or end up at the arcades.  I loved the lights, the sound, the excitement, and, of course, winning.  When my hubby and I go on cruises now, I love to play the slot machines, probably for all those same reasons.  I often win something (that I usually turn into a purse from the ship shop or an extra massage); however, I really play them for the amusement.

Back to this thing called “luck” — what I now realize is that my “luck” was and is simply my tapping into the universal bounty that God has available for me.  I “knew” I would be successful; therefore, I was.  BAM!  Holy crap!  Did I just say, “I ‘KNEW’ I would be successful; therefore, I was”?!  As I redefine (or rather resurrect) my confident blueprint and teach my conscious mind to be a better gatekeeper for my subby, I see that my childlike expectation of success is achievable once more EXACTLY as I imagine it to be.

I have always said that there is no such thing as coincidence.  Now I also know there is no such thing as luck.  All it ever was or ever will be is the absolute utter understanding that I can be what I will to be.

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